Ancient Aliens Were Here Pages

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Aliens Were Here First: Ancient Aliens Discussion

Aliens Were Here First: Ancient Aliens Discussion

It is now common knowledge in the academic world that Aliens were here before we were created.
The issue is that this truth is so hard for people to believe due to the fact that it demolishes completely the need for religions, and as we know, people NEED to believe in a deity, they need to believe that they were wanted, created with love, and most of all, that they HAVE A PURPOSE.

Well, wherever you look, no matter how deeply you research, you always end up with the Sumerian Civilization. This is how I ended up with the things I am about to tell you.

I always thought that if you want to find God, you need to go back in time. You need to understand and know who the ancient residents of Earth called gods, in order to do your research and discover what what truly happened here, and where we came from.
But to do that, you will need not only to read Ancient books, and get expert advice on ancient writings, but to read the bible, the Torah, and most of all, the ancient books of the Hindus (The Mahabbharata), and so on...

Every single group of people that exists or has existed, had a "god" or gods they "worshipped / served".

We can look at the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, Romans, Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, and hundreds of other groups, and you will find two very strong points in common:
These gods were NOT human. They ALL came from "Heaven".

The Sumerians were one of the most advanced cultures/civilization that has walked the Earth. In their books they tell us who their gods were and why they were here. They tell us they are the Annunaki (In Sumerian language it means: Those who from Heaven to Earth came).

So, now we know that the Ancient Sumerian gods came from the heavens to Earth.
Furthermore, the Sumerians tell us that they came in spaceships. They had names for those.

Since there are several kinds of spaceships, they also had several names for them. Each means a type.
I am not an expert in Sumerian lexicon, but I know a little through my studies, and SHEM was one word for rocket. (perhaps a small aircraft).

They had other names too. We will explore them later.

Sumerian and Akkadian are very similar, and these languages later gave rise to Babylonian, Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic.

Since this subject is very vast, we should really start from the beginning. WHO ARE WE? Where did we come from?

Recently scientist have been giving all sorts of interviews and exposing the fact that we did not actually evolve from primates, but were genetically manipulated by a higher being into becoming "humans" as we are not. "CREATED AT THEIR IMAGE, AFTER THEIR LIKENESS" - Genesis.

God has no likeness. It cannot be seen or heard. It has no form, according to these very religious books. But then these books go to contradict themselves claiming god created us at his image.

WHAT IMAGE? Has anyone SEEN god or his image? Preposterous to say the least.

But we were created at someone's image. Now, WHO is this someone?

Earth was a planet inhabited by Primates. Remember "PLANET OF THE APES"? Well, that was Earth. They are the real EARTHLINGS.

The Sumerians tell us that when "their gods" arrived here with their spacecraft, they started naming the animals they saw, and kept rigorous records of all species found.
And to cut a long story short, they also tell us that their gods manipulated the genetic material of the walking primates to make MANKIND, AFTER THEIR LIKENESS.

The story also tell us HOW it was done, and it is nothing short of a real genetic engineering / manipulation, for a purpose. They needed workers / slaves. So they made us.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 13 - Aliens and the Secret Code

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 13 - Aliens and the Secret Code

Aliens and the Secret Code. This episode theorizes that various megalithic structures around the world contain hidden messages in their architecture that connect their creation to otherworldly visitors.

Ancient Aliens were visitors from our human ancient past that descended on our ancient civilizations and influenced the course of our planet.  From Reptilian Aliens, Grey Aliens and Arcturians, our planet has seen a drastic change because of the decisions Ancient Aliens and past civilizations made.  Proof of Ancient Aliens visiting Earth are now found throughout the world including, but not limited to, Ancient Egypt, Peru (Nazca Lines), Central America and many more locations!  With the Ancient Aliens archives – like Ancient Aliens Blog, Ancient Aliens Videos, Ancient Aliens Evidence & Photos, Facebook, Twitter, and a Guestbook - you can continue to research and update your knowledge about Ancient Aliens from one web location.  Aliens Were Here examines the ancient past of our planet and the effect ancient aliens had on our civilizations in the past and even in the present.  Come discover the Ancient secrets of Life beyond our planet!  Join and its in depth look at the Ancient Aliens and their past and present influence they have on our civilizations.   We will explore the questions like "Who were the Ancient Aliens?" What did they want from humans?" and "Are Ancient Aliens still among us?" Ancient Aliens Theory, the theory that will revolutionize the world once we prove it is real!

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Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 12 - Aliens and the Secret Code

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 12 - Aliens and Deadly Cults

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 12 - Aliens and Deadly Cults

Ancient Aliens were visitors from our human ancient past that descended on our ancient civilizations and influenced the course of our planet.  From Reptilian Aliens, Grey Aliens and Arcturians, our planet has seen a drastic change because of the decisions Ancient Aliens and past civilizations made.  Proof of Ancient Aliens visiting Earth are now found throughout the world including, but not limited to, Ancient Egypt, Peru (Nazca Lines), Central America and many more locations!  With the Ancient Aliens archives – like Ancient Aliens Blog, Ancient Aliens Videos, Ancient Aliens Evidence & Photos, Facebook, Twitter, and a Guestbook - you can continue to research and update your knowledge about Ancient Aliens from one web location.  Aliens Were Here examines the ancient past of our planet and the effect ancient aliens had on our civilizations in the past and even in the present.  Come discover the Ancient secrets of Life beyond our planet!  Join and its in depth look at the Ancient Aliens and their past and present influence they have on our civilizations.   We will explore the questions like "Who were the Ancient Aliens?" What did they want from humans?" and "Are Ancient Aliens still among us?" Ancient Aliens Theory, the theory that will revolutionize the world once we prove it is real!

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Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 12 - Aliens and Deadly Cults

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 11 - Aliens and The Founding Fathers

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 11 - Aliens and The Founding Fathers

Ancient Aliens were visitors from our human ancient past that descended on our ancient civilizations and influenced the course of our planet.  From Reptilian Aliens, Grey Aliens and Arcturians, our planet has seen a drastic change because of the decisions Ancient Aliens and past civilizations made.  Proof of Ancient Aliens visiting Earth are now found throughout the world including, but not limited to, Ancient Egypt, Peru (Nazca Lines), Central America and many more locations!  With the Ancient Aliens archives – like Ancient Aliens Blog, Ancient Aliens Videos, Ancient Aliens Evidence & Photos, Facebook, Twitter, and a Guestbook - you can continue to research and update your knowledge about Ancient Aliens from one web location.  Aliens Were Here examines the ancient past of our planet and the effect ancient aliens had on our civilizations in the past and even in the present.  Come discover the Ancient secrets of Life beyond our planet!  Join and its in depth look at the Ancient Aliens and their past and present influence they have on our civilizations.   We will explore the questions like "Who were the Ancient Aliens?" What did they want from humans?" and "Are Ancient Aliens still among us?" Ancient Aliens Theory, the theory that will revolutionize the world once we prove it is real!

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Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 11 - Aliens and The Founding Fathers

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 10 - Aliens and Evil Places

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 10 - Aliens and Evil Places

Ancient Aliens were visitors from our human ancient past that descended on our ancient civilizations and influenced the course of our planet.  From Reptilian Aliens, Grey Aliens and Arcturians, our planet has seen a drastic change because of the decisions Ancient Aliens and past civilizations made.  Proof of Ancient Aliens visiting Earth are now found throughout the world including, but not limited to, Ancient Egypt, Peru (Nazca Lines), Central America and many more locations!  With the Ancient Aliens archives – like Ancient Aliens Blog, Ancient Aliens Videos, Ancient Aliens Evidence & Photos, Facebook, Twitter, and a Guestbook - you can continue to research and update your knowledge about Ancient Aliens from one web location.  Aliens Were Here examines the ancient past of our planet and the effect ancient aliens had on our civilizations in the past and even in the present.  Come discover the Ancient secrets of Life beyond our planet!  Join and its in depth look at the Ancient Aliens and their past and present influence they have on our civilizations.   We will explore the questions like "Who were the Ancient Aliens?" What did they want from humans?" and "Are Ancient Aliens still among us?" Ancient Aliens Theory, the theory that will revolutionize the world once we prove it is real!

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Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 10 - Aliens and Evil Places