Ancient Aliens Were Here Pages

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ancient Aliens, Season 3, History

Ancient Aliens, Season 3

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 1
 "Aliens and the Old West"
First Aired = July 28, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 2
 "Aliens and the Monsters"
First Aired = August 4, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 3
 "Aliens and Sacred Places"
First Aired = August 11, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 4
 "Aliens and Temples of Gold"
First Aired = August 18, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 5
 "Aliens and Mysterious Rituals"
First Aired = August 25, 2011 on History Channel
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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 6
 "Aliens and Ancient Engineers"
First Aired = September 1, 2011 on History Channel
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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 7
 "Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics"
First Aired = September 8, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 8
 "Aliens and Lost Worlds"
First Aired = September 15, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 9
 "Aliens and Deadly Weapons"
First Aired = September 22, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 10
 "Aliens and Evil Places"
First Aired = September 29, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 11
 "Aliens and the Founding Fathers"
First Aired = October 5, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 12
 "Aliens and Deadly Cults"
First Aired = October 12, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 13
 "Aliens and the Secret Code"
First Aired = October 19, 2011 on History Channel

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Notes before first Airing:
January 21, 2011

Giogio A. Tsoukalos (Ancient Aliens Star) sent this from his facebook page:

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos The History Channel ordered SIXTEEN episodes for SEASON 3 of Ancient Aliens! Air date? Late spring of 2011! How does any of this involve YOU? Easy! What Ancient Astronaut topics do YOU think we should cover in Season 3? Are there any topics YOU wish we should explore further? Or are there topics that we haven’t covered...

There’s already been two seasons and it was just announced that “The History Channel ordered SIXTEEN episodes for SEASON 3 of Ancient Aliens!” So it’s going pretty good.

For any ancient alien theory beginners, this youtube video is about 1 hour and 57 minutes, with Tsoukalos, the producer of the show, talking about some evidences of the theory that surely will get you interested. So, go on and…believe.


Aliens Were Here Community Pages  - Join the Ancient Alien Theory Movement.

Update:  March 10, 2011

On March 10, 2011  Phillip Coppens wrote this post from his Facebook Page.

Philip Coppens

Today at 9.30 am marks the beginning of filming for Ancient Aliens: Season 3. I'm facing 100+ questions for five episodes. The good crew is coming to our home to film...

Ancient Aliens, the Series, Season 3 is in production!

**Update** On July 15, 2011 - Giorgio A. Tsoukalos wrote this from his Facebook Page:

  • Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
    The wait is over! SEASON 3 of ANCIENT ALIENS is set to premiere on Thursday, July 28, 2011 on the History Channel!


  1. Ancient Aliens Season 3 is Coming. YES!
    We cannot wait. :)

    Watch Ancient Aliens Season 2, Full Episodes at

  2. Half human half alien hybrid babies? children?

  3. How will affect religion? Who created the aliens?

  4. ancient aliens is a new revolution everyone should watch and learn of these things for it is not out there enough

  5. yes there is more topics i want your show to discuss!!! please investigate this:

    The Chilbolton crop circle that was a reply to a message SETI sent in 1974.

  6. i hoping they do an episode on the structures found all over the moon and mars that are exactly the same found on earth, and go over the video taken my Armstrong of a building they found on the moon during the first landing

  7. I'd like to hear something about Bosnian pyramids on series 3, and out of place artefacts (finds in coal for example).

  8. I think that they should cover more UK incidents like the famous 1993 Cosford UFO incident tht invovled a huge triangle craft flying freely up and down the country and over two UK airbases. It was witnessed by military and civilian police as well as known UFO investigator Darren Perks who saw it close up.
    There is a connection with ancient lay lines and these craft in the UK and would make great viewing etc.

  9. I'd like to know more about Enoch from early Hebrew texts. Also, I would like to see the evolution of the human races/cultures worldwide brought together in a sort of timeline style episode. Something like what were the common beliefs and technology in Asian cultures 5,000 years versus European or North American. I think putting it all together, walking through the history of man, and comparing the different parts of the world in the same time periods can really bring the total history of man into a clear perspective.

  10. I'd like to hear more about Enoch, The Anunnaki, The Nephilim, Nibiru, and the return of this civilization. Also i'd like to hear more about Cydonia and MARS! =)

  11. If Georgio has roots from India, let's see an ancient aliens episode about Hinduism and Hindu texts

  12. Love the show so far. I would love to hear about the pyramids in China, Structures on Mars, star map along the Nile river comprised of the pyramids. And What it's trying to tell us. More in depth discussion on the many sunken cities under the Mediterranean and else where.

  13. they should do episodes on: The hollow earth theory, The Galactic federation and area 51...if they haven't yet.

  14. Totally Awesome!!! My husband and I own the first season on DVD and watched season 2 every week! We cannot wait to see season 3!!!

  15. late spring huh awesome!!!

  16. How about something on the "Starving of Saqqara" statue - hardly anything is known of it, but personally it's quite suspicious looking especially with a unknown language written on it.

  17. look into Peter Khoury and the blonde hair found.

  18. Cant wait to see the new season this show is the best, would love to see an episode on Abductions in the past and present!!.

  19. how about more info on the crystal skulls or xtra information of those mysterious places/ megalith structures
    It's amazing

  20. they should explore the different races of aliens in a little more detail. and show more about how the merkahba, chakras, unity, and interdeminsional travel works. show people about how we fell from our higher state and these beings have been trying to help us find unity and oneness for the last 13000 years, also talk about how the sphinx has water errosion on the body that would make it date over 8000 years ago.


  22. I cant wait to see what new evidence they have. I have changed my whole life because of this show and the information that begun all of my own studies into the matter!

  23. I think people would be interested in seeing a more in depth analysis of what the anunnaki were like. Enki/ Enlil. what their thoughts were on the afterlife. the attas of the light. translations about there return. ...maybe why they made us in the image of their likeness, yet some theories discuss reptilians??? these are things that a lot of people are wondering about. i love the show. i hope the discussions in season 3 showcase some new evidence or theories that have some density to them

  24. Art should be an interesting topic to cover :)
    I am totally shocked and puzzled on how ancient man was able to go from cave drawing/painting to make beautiful perfect sculptures such as in Egypt
    that are huge and colossal. With such perfection
    you have to ask yourself, What kind of tools did they use to make these huge work of art? What purpose did they have when they made those.... Like they say A picture is worth a thousand words!!!

  25. This is the best show ever.
    IMO These 3 topics should be covered in depth:
    1. Zacharia Zitchin and his "Earth Chronicles" book series subject...lots of related info there.
    2. Atlantis, Lemuria and pre-diluvial civilizations.
    3. Alien races, their origin and current involvement.

    Can't wait for Season 3.

  26. I would like to see information about the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Not many people talk about them. I haven't been able to find much info myself, but what I have read is very interesting to me.

  27. How about a show on the "Money Pit" in Nova Scotia!! Love the show. Excited for season 3!!!!!

  28. What was the history of the aliens? When did our galaxy start having intelligent life? Do the aliens have DNA made up of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen? What is the evolution of an alien? Did the grays(aliens) evolve to have smaller mouths so they can have bigger brains? Did the aliens evolve to have bigger eyes to see more color or to see the darker parts the universe? Did the aliens evolve to become skinny to reduce there payload so they can go in space? what kind of intelligence did the aliens have? They should have visual Intelligence to know star coordinates, Fluid Intelligence they mush of had to fix their ship on a long trip, Long-Term Storage Intelligence their big brains had to know a lot, Logical-mathematical intelligence and so on. I am Blaine DeSantis and I have more thoughts on aliens "like how to get a alien to come to you" and "how to make a deal with an alien" that kind of information I will NOT display on the internet.

  29. I would love to see a topic on BOOK OF LIFE also known as Akashic records and Edgar Cayce's readingS. and what are ghosts?

  30. Do a show on airspace regulation and if we are able to detect non-human made objects in the air...if so, can we estimate at the type of craft it is and can we track these objects to see where they came from...

  31. An episode on ghosts would be incredible! How do they fit into the alien world...etc

  32. Long time ago, when I was a child, I saw an episode of unsolved mysteries, Where they talked about the discovery of a crashed ufo and the remains on an alien, in now what is called area 51. I remember that they interviewed someone who had possession of the wreckage where he said that there was unique geometric hieroglyphs on this type of metal that was indestructable. Everytime they try to bend it, it bend back to its original shape. I saw that episode so long ago maybe sometime in the early 90's or late 80's. It would be very interesting if you can further investigate or reshow footage of that the unsolved mysteries. Anyway I hope this season blows away season 1 and 2, as I am a very big fan of your show, Even my wife loves your show. Can't wait to see Ancient Aliens on Tv again.

  33. If earth has been visited by aliens in the past then odds are that they are still visiting today or at least monitoring us in some way. You can expand the show to investigate more current sightings and even abduction theory. Also, does evolution really explain the rapid advancement of the human species from tree-dwelling apes to what we are today? Whey haven't other species experienced a similar evolution? Is there anything in our DNA that can't be explained by any logic other than alien engineering?

  34. What about Gifted (meaning well above average intelligence and not necessarily genius) children and people with telekinetic/psychic abilities ?

    I'd like to see the series episodes delved into much deeper, instead of jumping around a lot. Maybe a MONTH (Parts 1 through 4) of each subject. Really dig in.

  35. First,I'm really grateful for what you guys are doing for the world. As for future episodes/seasons, I think you guys should explore more of the South - Southeast Asian archeology and literature, particularly with ancient Brahman Khmer and Thai legends, beliefs and folklore. I really like that you touched on Angkor Wat even if only briefly and as you know there are many ancient amazing wonders, ruins and civilization traces here in Southeast Asia, many based on Brahman (Hindu_ legends of Gods; most every Khmer king and even some of the early Thai kings were considered 'Godly' and there are many legends in the regions regarding 'Gods' 'Ghosts' and unworldy, all powerful creatures and beings who mingled and even bred with regular people...starting with Indian Ramayana and southern Thai Manora or Kinaree, a beautiful bird-human hybrid who came from the skies and was according to legend, trapped by a Prince....anyway, lots to look into here in SE Asia.

  36. explore the Jerusalem encounter in 2009 i believe.. where the UFO comes down and you see flashing of cameras and the UFO beams out of sight

  37. I would like to see some serious coverage of the modern "contactees" i.e. Billy Meier, Stan Romanek, and others who have had contact or implants placed in them. Let the chips fall where they may, real or faked, however I think that this would be a fascinating show or shows.

  38. I would like to see more references in ancient texts to unexplainable things. I would also like to know more about the possibility that human DNA was mixed with ancient alien DNA.
    Are different cultures and civilizations representations of different alien races?

  39. Love the show! My wife thinks I'm crazy for watching this stuff, but the questions that have been raised about our past and evidence shown in these episodes have her interested in this show as well. I would like to see an in depth investigation on why UFO are interested in natural and men made disasters.

  40. I'd love for you guys to explore in more detail, the underwater pyramids and structures such as the yoniguni(sp)monument off the coast of Japan.
    Hearing about civilizations that evidently predate the last ice age, not only holds my interest, but raises all kinds of questions that I would like the program to possibly further explore.
    Thinking about this sends shivers down my spine... when you consider the modern world we know today, and the events leading up to it, in books such as the bible, are only a 'blip' in history, rather than the end all be all.... Our world is ancient, and with evidence of civilizations and ceremonial complexes taking place before the flood, and/or ice age, while modern archeologists, or even the bible, basically agree that man was living in caves with no type of organized society, makes you want to know the true story of our origins. It would be great to hear more about this topic, however new info is always nice and the show is just great and definitely created a new interest for me as far as history and philosophy!

  41. I love this show. Can you please show something about relation between judgement day and aliens.

  42. Definitely Crop Circles, Please.

  43. How about...a show on the time honored tradition of aliens & other dimensions speaking through channels? Ra & The Law of One; Abraham /Esther Hicks; Pleidians etc and connect their comments about our history.

  44. I am from india.I would love to know the real connection between the human like aliens such as the pleidians etc. and greys and reptilian aliens with humans on earth. How all of them are influencing human civilization??If all of them are monitoring then have they fought with themselves?Have the human like aliens fought the greys or reptilians to save us???
    Also I would like to know about if there is a hidden power, the ultimate power within all humans to link to the almighty which is normally silent but can be revived with 'meditation' as according to ancient hindu texts?Does this prove that we have been genetically engineered with alien DNA and some of the DNA is actually silent(dormant) in normal humans but can be brought back to life by meditation so that we achieve the ultimate knowledge(consciousness) about our existence and our position in this universe?Is the practice of meditation and the 'mantras' taught to ancient hindus by ancient aliens themselves?
    please host a show with these issues..

  45. I would Say Erich Von Daniken is the best! Read 8 of his books.

    1.Math and Distances. I read Erich's books and I believe in every site there was a mathematical meaning. <--- A MUST

    3.Secret Sociaties since Egyptian Times.

    4.MOON + what is the legend about it. Far Side Base told from acient times?

    5. Erich to tell his story about the coverup he exprienced. From "History is Wrong" book.


  46. Its a proven fact now that are DNA were genetically altered a couple of hundred thousand years ago. The Real question is, Who did it and why? I would take close up shots of the faces on the structures at Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Many of those faces do NOT look like humans that are on Earth today. It makes you wonder, who where some of them, and where did they come from?

  47. The relation between ancient and modern aliens. Star childs, 2012, abductions, crop circles, all that stuff. Also, evidence not only in Earth, but also in Mars, Nibiru, and our own Moon.

  48. the hot springs in palm springs 100 blue frogs and crying baby legends , i was taking of the waters there and had interestings expeiance

  49. I would like to see an episode deicated to the Annunaki and Nibiru. Has ancient aliens ever even mentioned the works of Sitchin? I don't recall. This subject seems to be taboo on TV. Its all over the internet, but I've seen it mentioned once on TV last year and it was only briefly. There is also a planet X movie, starring Kiefer Sutherland thats only going to be released in Europe.

  50. I want to hear more about the reptilian nature and presence in our past. The Chinese dragon kings, the Annunaki being described as serpent people, the Hindu Nagas, mainly serpent symbolism all over the world.

  51. The actually "Star child" himself maybe take part of an episode to describe her and what been found about her, also id like to here some more about ancient summeria, i think they will be key is discovering out past, which will lead us to our future as there civilization was around before the time of Christ and they already had direct relation to the "Gods" and physical contact unlike an civilization known to date.

  52. annunaki, these rise in ufo sightings and possible connections to 2012. possible date of official return?

  53. The Indian Government when doing tests for pollution found what they believe to be the ancient City of Dwarka under less than a 100 feet of water off the Pakistan coast. This could be the ancient city where Lord Krishna had his kingdom and Reigned. Artifacts found there, date between 25,000 to 32,000 years old. We can not be that arrogant or ignorant to think that we are the only humans to have ever lived on this planet or had advanced technology, when our Planet Earth has been around for a couple of Billion years. The Ancient Hindu's had Vimanas - flying airplanes. In Abydos Egypt on one of the temples there are 4 carved drawings in Stone that look like a helicopter, Airplane, UFO-Flying Saucer and a submarine. Do a search under helicopters at Abydos, Egypt. They have found small golden jewelry in Egypt shaped exactly like our Jet Planes today. They are in the Cairo museum in Egypt on display. Just because we can not find written evidence to back up these ancient claims, does not mean that they did not exist. All you have to do is examine any of the ancient structures all over the world, and try to find out when they were REALLY Built.

  54. 13 crystal skulls
    Starchild skull
    Bermuda triangle
    More ancient texts and unexplained artifacts

    Please don't do a area 51 episode, I've seen many area 51 documentarys and their all basically the same.

  55. hi sir giorge..Im mark of the philippines,Im one of the avid fan and believers in ancient astronaut theory since when this movie even started yet..I collected books of zecharia zitchin well known also in his book of annunakis..By the way I wish you can explore philippines to be included at season 3 because there are stories legends and sightings recorded here that I believe it links to those whose ancient astronaut who might came here thousand of years ago..One of our legend stories here is Bernardo Carpio a giant who tried to separate 2 mountains...And their are tribes also here that are very ancient which they do have some artifacts remains of their ancestors that i believe it is originated from the ancient travelers their are many mysterious places and landmarks located in the Philippines hope you can explore it soon....Thanks

  56. Airplanes, Helicopters, Flying Saucers, Tanks, located on Temple Walls in Abydos, Egypt. The previous writer is 100% correct.
    THERE is a MYSTERY AT ABYDOS, Egypt. Do a search, and you will see the pictures for yourself. This temple is supposed to be over 3,000 years old. In 1848, an archaeological expedition working in Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs on a ceiling beam at an ancient temple in Abydos, several hundred miles south of Cairo. The hieroglyphs were carefully copied and brought back to Europe. The mysterious images gave rise to heated debate amongst Egyptologists. Eventually, however, they were dismissed as bizarre objects that nobody could adequately explain in the 1800's or the early 1900's and were forgotten. With our technology today, we can now determine exactly what these objects REALLY are.
    In the mid 1990's photographs and videos, taken primarily by tourists who had visited Abydos, and these photos began to appear on the internet. They depicted the 'strange machine hieroglyphs' originally discovered in the nineteenth century. The temple in which they were found was built by Pharaoh Seti I around three thousand years ago. To the modern viewer it is clear that the strange machines, so mysterious to the Victorians, are in fact various types of flying craft and a tank. One of the aircraft is a helicopter. There is no mistaking it. It has a rotor blade, cockpit and tail fin typical of a modern battle helicopter. On the face of it, this is one of the most astounding discoveries ever to have been made in Egypt. Do some research on the internet and discover this little known Fact just sitting there for us to look at.

  57. The 3 secrets of Fatima (Portugal)!

  58. describe the norse mythology because to me it seems like thier 9 realms was a simple way for an advanced species to describe to our ancestors different dimensions relative to ours. also the search for crystal type power systems "atlanteans" may have used that may still be here n hybrids either past or present and they're plans on our planets future

  59. relate viking mythology with the aliens because to me their 9 realms among other things seems like a simple way for an advanced species to describe to our ancestors different dimensions relative to our own. also possible crystal power sources possibly lying dormant since the "atlanteans". finally hybrids either past or present and thier plans for this planets future

  60. i would like you to explain in further detail about the Egyptian pyramids being built by a different Egyptian race than todays race, it was such an interesting concept but with rushed little information and details. i've tried to research on my own but have continuously come up empty. also pyramids in underwater japan, on mars, and does Atlantis have any relationship with ancient aliens? i know this is alot, i love the show and the concept i want as much information as possible. THANK YOU

  61. about time lol. Love these. I hope this one talks about different kinds of people and sacrifices.

  62. it would be great if you guys could try and find some depth in detail about hy-brasil, our genetic enhancement, advance pieces of technology like the stuff hitler was trying to get, the grey's,reptilian's, and the arion alien's agenda, and alien abductions. It would also be really nice if you guys could start a new tv series that was like UFO hunters except with more educated people like in your show. Im sure it would get great ratings if you could just get educated people hosting the show. I also noticed in your show that you were unable to find a sound and logical reason for the aliens to be preforming all of these genetic experiments with our species and i have been doing my own research which led me to a theory. A logical reason would be that if a race has truly evolved to the point at which these beings are, then it would be probable for them to try and enhance their own race with genetic enhancements, in order to to become superior creatures, because waiting on evolution to evolve would take millions-billions of years. And if a race were to do these genetic enhancements on their own people, then it would be probable that they would try and find a less sophisticated species to use as genie pigs. If you could look into this theory then that would also be great too.

  63. i hope that they do it asap. i hope they connect the lines with the Illuminati and aliens with the complete take over of the world by the reptoid hybrids. The Governments really don't have to hide anything any more. We know the truth now. We know what is going on now it is very obvious. I'm all ready for another season.

  64. Love the show and have now recruited my dad to watching!!
    Would love to see more about the Mayan Calendar and how it is interpreted and maybe how people like Nostradamus and their predictions fit into all this!
    And I agree with a previous post - the 3 secrets of fatima would be interesting - of course if we knew exactly what the catholic church knew it would probably make it so much easier!!
    Maybe individual programmes looking at each religion and its link to the Ancient Aliens Theory would be better as there is so much in each.
    Look forward to the next series!!!

  65. Having watched both season 1 and 2 back-to-back, I'm no longer ashamed to say I believe this theory - usually I would almost whisper that I had read some Daniken and would skim over the subject. I absolutely love it!
    In a way, I think all these theories could actually make religion popular again!
    Can't wait til philosophy, religion and evolution theories come up in conversation again!!!
    Hurry up with season 3 so you can make a start on 4 and 5!!!!!!

  66. I just got into Ancient Aliens and am thoroughly intrigued. The topic of our ancient ancestors and extra-terrestrial (sp?) always, always gets me hooked. I will do my best to got caught up on episodes before Season 3 gets too far underway. I would like to see more information on the obelisks, though. I find it quite interesting that those are usually found near old cities and civilizations, especially if they were some sort of power source, or even more delving into the Great Pyramid of Giza and it being a power source itself. There is something going on with those "air chambers" and were probably sealed up to stop full-functioning of the power facility in it. I would really like to know what would happen if they knocked out the "doors" blocking the air chambers out to allow everything to carry back into the inside of the pyramid. Or even try to replicate the theory on it being a source of power and sending out microwaves.


  67. Would be great to explore in-depth Sitchin's book "There Were Giants Upon the Earth" and the possible link to Alien DNA described in the final chapter - do we possibly have mitochondrial DNA evidence that no one is willing to test?

  68. I'd like to hear more about the Annunaki, Nibiru, the moon, Mars, Tiamat being attacked by Nibiru forming the Earth and the Asteriod belt, also about the planet uranus or Neptune which everyone is said to be on its side. =)
    But I can't wait to learn more about ancient aliens.

  69. How about an entire episode on the Book of Enoch?

  70. I would suggest to do some interviews with SETI on what they think of the possiblity of Ancient Aliens inhabiting/visiting earth. Maybe create some what if scenarios when/if Extraterrestrials contact us, what kind of preporations are being done or have been made. Id like to see them talk about the GRID Theory and how it correlates to UFO activity and produce an accurate Grid Map of Earth.

  71. I would like to see them talk about an episode about "extra dimensions" but even more than that I would like an episode on thing's that are see-thru, "Etherial Technology" like phasing and such. Also a episode on maybe the "unexplained substances," sorta like missing periodic table elements and thier possible capabilities. and my favorite subject if possible and you understand what i mean... My theory is "Circular constant current." like a wave in the ocean carrying energy with a loopback effect.

  72. Just watch When Aliens Attack on NatGeo, and I am interested what the countries of the world have developed to fight them back. It seems like all leading scientists believe they will be hostile. Love this show by the way.

  73. Just watched When Aliens Attack or something like that on NatGeo. It was very good and I am interested in know just what technology our government and other governments have come up with combating them if they are hostile. All of the leading scientists believe they will not come in peace so what are we doing to prepare. Love this show, bring on season 3.

  74. I've believed in the ancient astronaut theory for a while and this show has only strengthened my belief. I used to keep it to myself, but now I love talking to anyone and everyone about it, I'm personally amazed at how many others believe in the same theory. For season 3, I would love to see more about the Annunaki in Sumerian legends.

  75. Western governments know of and have hidden Alien contact for a long time. Contact by Aliens has been going on for very many thousands of years. Most recently it has been to the masses through messages in geometric crop circle art around the planet. They are subtly speaking to us but few are listening and fewer are attempting to engage the contact. Crop Circle art messages are undoubtedly designed to ready us for a full scale face to face contact that will likely happen before the year 2020 whether governments like it or not. If you want to prepare for that earth shaking event, I suggest you get on the wagon and start paying attention to the message of the crop formation creators. The researchers know and can enlighten those who seek the truth and knowledge. Those who do not prepare themselves for the great contact will be left frightened, dazed, confused and left behind. The crop formation messages may be the last chance for humanity to wake up to a new epoch of enlightenment. The alternative will be a Mad Max type of scenario regression back into a very dark age for most of humanity. Move forward with the cycle into the Aquarian Age and do not look back, you may turn into a pillar of salt, metaphorically speaking of course.

    Peace to all. ------- Ab Asaff

  76. Holy shit this interview is looong Lol

  77. Hi We love all episodes and we are starting to feel we have been blinded by our history and religious studies subjects taught in our school days. We accepted all our history (written by dominant culture & victors)incalcucated when young. It's eye, mind boggling and interesting. You guys travel the world for these stories, well done! What about another unexplains eg psychics & haunting? Maybe nothing to do with our ancient alien heritage but again maybe? History is rewritten nearly everyday with new discoveries!

  78. Fantastic show you all have produced! It's good to see that the information is getting out there to wake humanity up. Although, I can see that there are some people who have just gotten into these ideas and theories by the kind of post and comments they have made. Please use a little more common sense with your questions and such. You are making the rest of us who have studied and read about these things look very bad. As for show ideas, I believe the Hollow Earth Theory should be looked into a bit more, the variety of different Alien sub-species that exist(i.e. Pleadians, Sirians, Reptilians, etc), and the connection of Alien involvement with everyday human affairs..

  79. I've read the book WHERE ANGELS WALK by Joan Anderson. I would like to see an episode explore the possibility that angels are another life form that hasn't been examined scientifically. I believe angels and angel stories cross cultural lines, but don't know for sure. Would appreciate your analysis.

  80. Government knowledge of ufo's and area 51 or as they call it now s4. the theory of the magnetic reversal of the poles and the earth rotation reversing. aslo the possibility that a rotation shift might explain the idea of the resurection of christ, theory states the sun died for 3 days and rose again.

  81. Lets take a real good look at the moon, the idea of it being hollow, the structures which have been airbrushed out of photos taken by NASA. Is it a base, or outpost for our ancient ancestors? Or for other travellers?

    What would happen if a UFO presented itself over New York or Washington? Would the United States fire on it without question by considering it an act of aggression? There must be plans in place for such an Event.

  82. Why Scandinavian and Russian countries are building underground shelters, and the company VIVOS. Also I would like to hear more about the structures on the moon and mars that NASA has intentionally airbrushed out. Also, more about what Armstrong and Aldrin really saw on the moon.

  83. First i would like to think the creators of this show. I have not been so intrigued with a show like this ever that i know of. It is that of an educated AND enlightened mind that takes a step back and tries to find answers to all of these questions that have been lazily attributed to science fiction. My suggestion for new shows could be about how if we discover a knew form of technology, such as Lightspeed, worm hole traveling, or even just communication advancing, then we can use it to find more answers in the future. P.S. WHY THE HECK HAVE WE NOT GOT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE NOVA SCOTIA MONEY PIT! i refuse to believe as a human race this is undoable.

  84. in season 3 include topics such as channeling other dimensional beings/aliens, how that works and stuff... also, to what extent have these beings helped shape our reality, what are their intentions. Are they an extension of us? Also, dedicate an episode to DMT and how it essentially connects humans to 'alien' dimensions, also talk about how the geomagnetic field of the earth has been changing at an increasing rate the past 150 years which will culmainate a reversal (compasses will point south). This reversal may stimulate magnetite near our pineal gland which will start to secrete DMT into our bloodstream.

  85. Please cover about the red rain in kerala,India...

  86. hi, remember the guy that built the coral monument for the love of his life in the states? it was rumored that he had a box shaped object in his possession. could it be the same box that was seen in japan centuries ago? when a ufo floated to the beach and a woman came out holding a box like device and could it be the same technology used to build the pyramids??
    think about it..

  87. yea, season three! i hope the guys will expand on the underwater temples and how any new info from those discoveries are connected to the origins of our religions. to paraphrase mr. von danagin.....the truth can't be ignored forever. you guys rock...keep it up.

  88. I love this show but have one question on my mind. Why can archaeologists not go and dig up some sites near aztec lines or puma punku? These 2 sites are amazing and would love to know more about them.

  89. def go into more detail about citys under water and the cities you have yet to discover underground especially the frozen cities that use to be on a different latitude and longitude the tilt of planet has changed they are the oldest and the key to unlock new evidence we need to research those areas more than we have the earth in general and no one has tryed to unlock the door with the disk imprint or tryed to use the crystal skulls spend money on that we have that here and learn the magnetic energy grid, experiment with the ancient sites using magnets and try stuff with machines to see if they effect them stop wasting money on outer space that day will come until then lets learn our planet more there is so much we don't know you have to crawl before you walk let alone fly

  90. im the choosen one

  91. When is Ancient Aliens going on the air?

  92. George Little RockJune 18, 2011 at 8:25 PM

    I'm really interested in their thoughts about the photos taken by photographer, Peter Goldie, on the Space Shuttle Columbia. No way that was lightning. Something does not seem right there. Thanks. LOVE the show guys. Can't wait for season 3.


  94. Season 3? wow, the more i watch the more it makes sense, i wanna see an episode that pulls at my last thread of doubt.

  95. You should talk about the evidence of templar knights coming to north america in the 1300s before columbus and the relation to nova scotia money pit.

  96. well,when the heck does season 3 start?

    i;m dying for new episodes man,lol!!

    love the series,keep up the great work!!

  97. ancient aliens is a quality show... could aliens be creating war on earth between other alien tribes around the milky way or the universe (it could explain "religious" wars) and giving world leaders a mortal excuse to tell the public through WMD's etc.... is it possible ??? Will there be a season 4 ?

  98. The 4th comment made by viewers, namely Phillip, has a link to the Chilbolton crop circle that was a reply to the SETI radio broadcast that they sent into space. I studied a bit about this topic, and feel that it is very relevant to the Ancient Alien theory. Since he was the first person to make a legitimate comment, I really hope that you pick Phillips question because it is really entertaining at the very (and I mean very) least.

  99. Sorry for the double post, but also with the SETI reply crop circle topic; there's enough information and controversy to make an entire episode.

    PS: I probably wouldn't of learn about the topic if I hadn't read the comments of this blog. Coincidence? Or was it meant to be put on this show for the rest of the world to hear about?

  100. I would love to see a whole episode dedicated to the Book of Enoch. Also, many of the experts in the series beleive that angels are aliens. I want to hear the opposite view, that aliens are angels. We need someone to strongly suggest that they are not extra-terrestrial but inter dimensional beings. The debate would be intriguing.

  101. Gorgio needs a haircut, I guess he doesn't realize that he loses credence looking like a wild man, and people are less likely to take him seriously.

  102. I definitely agree with the anonymous viewer that suggested the Knights Templar and the Money Pit

  103. Please comment on the connection between Rh negative blood type and the Ancient Aliens...Do you think there is any?

  104. Really great requests on here! The words of Enoch and Thomas need to be heard! We'd love to see more of Dr. Stephen Greer and the Disclosure Project. Alien base on farside of the moon? Planet Niburu passes near earth roughly every 26,000 years? Reptilians? Was this really their planet and that is why there were dinosaurs before man?

  105. I would like to know more about how the Aliens integrated with the Egyptians. Also, I live in Wyoming and there are cave drawings everywhere that look like astronauts, could you look into those??? After all they did film Close Encounters of the Third Kind here! :)

  106. How about some coverage on Robert Morning Sky and his "Terra Papers" material.

  107. I think an set of episodes on specific topics such as the Urantia book( the alien bible), the book of enoch, and an episode on Zecharia Sitchin's own theories about the ancient astronaut theory. Although I do think an episode on the Urantia book itself would be absolutely fantastic because its ideas and concepts align perfectly with ideas that the series has thus already put forth. Hope to see it happen in Season 3!

  108. I would like to see more on the hollow earth theory. Also, on AA it mentions aliens reproducing with humans a lot- maybe a show on what those hybrids look like now/where are they? Maybe more elaboration on alien 'bases' at the bottom of the ocean, more evidence of that? Ancient Aliens is a thought provoking show for sure!

  109. Were any plants or animals brought here long ago from another planet?

    Did aliens play any part in the dino's extinction because they knew the planet was suitable for humans?

  110. Giorgio, I think your ancient alien series is a tremendous two-thumbs-up! -- it's time has certainly come -- and could be made even more so if all the possible angles of the phenomenon were given adequate coverage. I realize you prefer to view the whole alien phenomenon in a positive light and while that is one way to look at it, not everyone agrees. Many over the years have done a great job of explaining why they don't think the aliens have humanity's best interests in mind and their perspectives ought to be given air time accordingly. As an example of what I mean, read John White's recent 8 page paper entitled, "Aliens Among Us - A UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religious Mode". Just's available online.

  111. Khmer Angkor Wat, Hindu Deities, Jesus, Siddhartha Gutama!!! SO MUCH

  112. me Jane. this show is one of the greatest. thank you for your insight. i would like you to keep a later episode open for the disclosure which should be coming soon, also, George you look great! very classy, keep up the great energy :)

  113. gold mines in africa......adams calendar.....nibiru/planet x return.......different alien species and place of residence.......alien takeover attempt in future???.......aliens that may be living here u think that the great pyramid was used as a microwave factory to control the weather like the U.S. Military installation by the name of H.A.A.R.P.......NASA and astronaut sightings while in space......any sightings for that matter.......updates on any older topics.....any new artifacts found.....have planets like earth been found with Keplar? (prob different show).........updates people updates!!! lol ....cant wait for season3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  114. *How will it affect religion if Aliens were to Contact earth?

    *Will we ever dig to the bottom of the money pit on Oak Island?

    *Why are the US government hiding Evidence of Aliens/UFO's?

    *What will happen on 21st of December 2012?

    *Why havent we been back to the moon & is there Alien moon bases on there loonar surface?

    *Why don't Extraterrestrials come down and land and make contact like they did along time ago? why have they stopped?

    I love the show it is my favorite I wish everyone would just stop and watch a few episodes just to think about how much of a possibility it is that Aliens shaped our way of life and the Human race.

    I would love it if the show could include more NASA pictures of UFO's and strange sightings that they have caught on tape or pictures.

    Keep up the work guys the episodes are fantastic!!!

  115. What is the human relationship with the aliens in the past? Did we travel through space to settle down here after wars in space ? How would it affect planet Earth if aliens show up in the open like they use to do in the past? What influence did aliens have on the technology that we use today?

  116. I'd love to hear more about rh negative blood types and the ancient alien connection....

  117. Please feature the archaelogical evidence of bodies found with elongated skulls and very tall/GIANTS 8-10 feet tall. Any DNA evidence proving who they were?

  118. Gobekli Tepe as landing pads so the aliens could safely land and teach the inhabitants about what are good animals versus animals that are dangerous.

  119. Research the "Cruz Andina" The southern cross constellation. And why it was so important to the south American ancient cultures as well as in India where its shape is encountered in holy Buddhist texts as well.

    The ancient cultures of Peru and Bolivia believed that "Wiracocha" was the creator of all things and the re-seeder of life after the great flood.

    He showed them how to make terraces on the mountain-sides of the Andes so that when the water receded the people could grow crops to eat. And as the water sank more, new lower terraces were made.

    Scientist have supposedly carbon-14 tested the terraces and found this to be true. The oldest ones is near the top of the mountains and the newest ones on the bottom.

    No where, as I recall, does it say that God or some Ancient Alien never came to South America. The interesting part is that the "Chakana" i.e. The southern cross which is found all over south America and now also in India, is related to extra terrestrial visitation on both places.

  120. would like to see more on hollow moon theory and angel hair

  121. I would like to see an episode that includes evidence of the giant skeletons, as well as the Annunaki.

    Season 3!!

  122. Looking forward to Ancient Aliens Season 3 ... I hope that Ancient Aliens can investigate the civilization in China ... I am sure there are plenty of mysteries and legends there.

  123. Don't miss July 28, 2011 - TOMORROW THURSDAY! Premiere of ANCIENT ALIENS SEASON 3, History Channel. Episode 1 "Aliens & the Old West".

  124. I think this is awesome and this is a pretty much serious. This has to be seen by our leaders of UN and all presidents of the World and get enlightened or are they already did. I think this is the right time for us to make a communication with them. If you guys tell they know Sumerian language, why dont we write something bigger (as they have tried to do on Peru) to make them communicate? Lets roll to the new phase without panic! Lets see what happens...

  125. I was watching AA season 2 on Netflix tonight and started thinking about the Raelian movement which I had come across years ago. While on, not only did I discover that today, Aug 6 is a Raelian holiday and baptism day, I noticed Mormonism is one of the base religions (including Christianity, Islam, Judaism) that Rael claims the Elohim founded. Then I wondered if there was going to be a 3rd season of AA. Sure enough it was on YouTube having aired just the other day and what do you know, it was about John Smith meeting an alien and the start of the Mormon religion. I had no idea. What a coincidental day. I would like to see an AA show about the relationship of old and new religions.

  126. Ancient Aliens, Season 3, Ep. 3
    In this episode, Ancient Aliens Team does one mistake, or i say it is less information (in this regard), laziness and un-professionalism, ...
    At the time 12:50, when the story of Kabah begins, they show a mosque, and commentators first words are , "Saudi Arabia - The heart of the Middle East.." THIS mosque name is Shah Faisal Mosque, and it is in Islamabad, PAKISTAN.
    When i posted this info. on Ancient Aliens page at facebook last night, my post was deleted overnight, and i was kickedout from group and unable to post anymore. It's strange, I'm fan of AA Series. But whenever (anyone) will give wrong information, the finger will raise at him!
    2nd thing The Mosque built around the Kabah - they called it Grand Mosque. Well, i heard it first time, may be it is called Grand Mosque in West,, but its name is Masjid-e-Haram.

  127. The show offers a lot of good information, but it goes too far in suggesting that almost every major event or person was related to UFOs. Moses did not get the ten commandments from aliens. The same commandments can be found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead under the 47 negative confessions. Einstein was not contacted by aliens. Einstein worked in a patent office and litterally stole from the works of others. The ancients were not dumb. It is very probably that many of the mysterious monumnets were contructed by men who had advanced technology which had been developed by men and passed down through the ages. If we look at the art of the ancients they parallel the genius involved in the construction of the temples and pyramids. Surely aliens did not also do the artwork. The show should be careful about giving too much credit to aliens for everything that has been achieved.

  128. this show is great and raises many questions and answers a few with fact that there were things done/created by early man that can't be explained. Although the show has limited budgeting, why not approach some of the things that early man created and put it to actual testing. The most interesting case is how temples and sacred locations were built with such precision in building in block/stone. Why not commence, on a smaller scale over a number of shows, using the tools and craftsman comperable to what was available to peoples going back to the great constructions that were found on many continents, versus modern technology to show the differences in time and labor needed if in fact it can be done. Also to explore how we as a race living on places so far apart could: build, practice religion, create art, and all have beliefs relating to astrology and some type of descended being(s)all having ties to a type of deity(s), using actual physical proof instead of hearsay. i am a believer, but faith is surely surpassed by a piece of undeniable FACT. Please stop with the who or what and practice science to prove or disprove these theories with a movement to really try and get an answer.

  129. episodes on either aliens as the possible missing link in human evolution and hollow moon theory and possible alien links.

  130. Does it not say in the bible that man will be left alone for a period of time and then the gods will return.

  131. Wow! These episodes really make me think. Ancient Aliens rocks man! Really great plot, nice contributors and the show is filled with facts and graphic presentation. I really like it!

  132. Show Idea? How about looking into Delos Island...

    That should get give the producers a good quality hour program.

    Don't forget to compare that story to Isis and her son ;)


  133. Looking for this weeks episode??
    Is it over? Don't tell ms it's over!!

  134. I watch all the episodes over and over. Can't get enough of it. And I am sure millions feel the same way. I would love to know more about Pine Gap Military Base in Australia and the alien connection. I know its not ancient aliens or is it? Area 51 is just a diversion of what's really happening at Pine Gap. I would love to see going from Ancient to current events. I would also like to see why the officials...... deny what is clearly in front of our eyes. And if there is anything on 2012 and aliens. The bio, DNA world is extremely fascinating and why are there chinese, africans and White people etc. Is that a DNA of different Aliens..... And I would love to hear more about bad and good aliens. To all involved in Ancient Aliens we thankyou for opening our eyes. Maggie

  135. cant wait for season 4 like to see more on 2012 underwater ex ray under giza

  136. I would like to see a little more information on the evolution of writing.... How did we go from cave drawings to having an alphabet? Is there any information that would state there was some alien intervention there?? Also, the structural engineering and design which went into all of the structures noted within the series does seem impossible for the time period. So why not compare it to a structure which would have been built by the humans of that period without any help.

  137. From where are these slezey and dangerous,shapeshifting reptilians coming from...?

  138. God created man in how many days? - ruled out!

    Darwin's The Origin of Species through natural selection - ruled out!

    Alien intervention with humans long ago - a POSSIBILITY!

    Too bad we'd have to wait how months before Ancient Aliens are shown here in the Philippines
