Ancient Aliens Were Here Pages

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tyche: Possible Ninth Planet found in our Solar System - Nibiru connection?

Tyche: Possible Ninth Planet found in our Solar System - Nibiru connection?
Ancient Aliens Connection?
February 16, 2011

A duo of planetary astronomers has grabbed media attention by claiming a planet four times the size of Jupiter may be lurking in the outer solar system. They call the planet Tyche.

The two scientists who make the claim, Daniel Whitmire and John Matese from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, say a planet they named Tyche -- that is four times the size of Jupiter -- may be lurking in the outer solar system.

The pair says that the NASA Wise telescope may already have data to prove its existence, but that the planet, if it exists, won't reveal itself for another two years.

The researchers have been collecting data for the last 10 years, and though they admit the unusual orbital patterns in a far-out region of the solar system called the Oort Cloud could be explained by a ginormous planet, it also could be a statistical fluke.

Tyche and Nibiru connection?
According to Zecharia Sitchin, the Sumerians believed there was a Ninth Planet in our Solar System called Nibiru. A large planet on the outskirts of our solar system.

Watch Video on Nibiru:

Nibiru according to Wikipedia:
Nibiru may refer to:

Is it possible Nibiru is the same planet as Tyche?

1 comment:

  1. It's gotta be what the summerians were talking about... and if it proves true - what the hell? Here we are in the 21st century w/ super computers and telescopes - the Sumerians had clay pots and oxen! How did they amass vast their knowledge of the cosmos??? Aliens Were Here!

