Ancient Aliens Were Here Pages

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ancient Aliens Season 4 Episode 9 - The Time Travelers

Ancient Aliens Season 4 Episode 9 - The Time Travelers

The Time Travelers. This episode suggests that some alleged alien encounters and UFO sightings may be of beings from Earth's future traveling in time machines, and that these same beings could have posed as ancient aliens in the distant past.

Is it possible that sightings of alien beings or UFOs may actually be evidence of time travelers from the future? And might ancient astronauts actually be time travelers from our future? Scientists explore the theoretical possibility of time travel. How can it be achieved? And what might people from 10,000 years in the future look like?

Ancient Aliens were visitors from our human ancient past that descended on our ancient civilizations and influenced the course of our planet. From Reptilian Aliens, Grey Aliens and Arcturians, our planet has seen a drastic change because of the decisions Ancient Aliens and past civilizations made. Proof of Ancient Aliens visiting Earth are now found throughout the world including, but not limited to, Ancient Egypt, Peru (Nazca Lines), Central America and many more locations! With the Ancient Aliens archives – like Ancient Aliens Blog, Ancient Aliens Videos, Ancient Aliens Evidence & Photos, Facebook, Twitter, and a Guestbook - you can continue to research and update your knowledge about Ancient Aliens from one web location. Aliens Were Here examines the ancient past of our planet and the effect ancient aliens had on our civilizations in the past and even in the present. Come discover the Ancient secrets of Life beyond our planet! Join and its in depth look at the Ancient Aliens and their past and present influence they have on our civilizations. We will explore the questions like "Who were the Ancient Aliens?" What did they want from humans?" and "Are Ancient Aliens still among us?" Ancient Aliens Theory, the theory that will revolutionize the world once we prove it is real!

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Ancient Aliens Season 4 Episode 9 - The Time Travelers

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