Ancient Aliens Were Here Pages

Monday, January 31, 2011

Watch Ancient Aliens Season 2, Full Episodes

Watch Ancient Aliens Season 2, Full Episodes

Alien Contacts, Ancient Aliens
Plot: This episode proposes that extraterrestrials contacted various human beings throughout history in order to pass on important messages for humanity, or to help guide and inspire them to achieve great things.

Alien Devastations, Ancient Aliens
Plot: An examination of 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth, from the age of the dinosaurs, to ancient Egypt, to the skies over the western desert in the present day United States. This new season will include sightings and phenomena from ancient times all the way up to the present, exploring possible connections between overall UFO phenomena and information included in ancient texts and decoded from ancient artifacts.

Unexplained Structures, Ancient Aliens
Plot: Examines 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth, from the age of the dinosaurs, to ancient Egypt, to the skies over the western desert in the present day United States. This new season will include sightings and phenomena from ancient times all the way up to the present, exploring possible connections between overall UFO phenomena and information included in ancient texts and decoded from ancient artifacts.

Angels and Aliens, Ancient Aliens
Aired date: Thu, Dec 16, 2010
Plot: A look at various sites around the world, such as the 12,000 year old ruins of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey and the Incan ruins of Sacsayhuamán in Peru; places whose builders performed complex feats of stonework and showed understanding of advanced mathematics that were not believed to have been known at the time; and theories that this knowledge was gained from otherworldly visitors.

Alien Tech, Ancient Aliens
Plot: Super-heated death rays... High-tech rockets... Powerful sonic weapons... Are these examples of modern day science or could these technologies have originated thousands of years ago? Is it possible that early man possessed scientific knowledge far beyond that of our own century? Ancient texts, folklore and art suggest humans witnessed disc-shaped flying machines and fire-spewing chariots. Could these be accounts of flying saucers and rocket ships?

Aliens and the Third Reich, Ancient Aliens
Plot: If ancient aliens visited Earth in the remote past, could they have given us advanced technology, past down through human history? And could this technology have helped the Third Reich build mysterious weapons and crafts far beyond the limits of 20th century science? During World War II, there were reports that the Germans built an operational flying saucer, known as the Hanebu, which was said to use mythical technology found in ancient Indian texts.

Underground Aliens, Ancient Aliens
Plot: If extraterrestrials influenced human history, can evidence of their existence be found in hidden tunnels and caverns around the world? Could a cave in Ecuador contain metallic books inscribed with secrets of alien technology? Was an ancient underground city in Turkey built with alien help... or as a refuge from an alien attack? Rumors of the U.S. military working alongside aliens in a secret base inside a mesa in New Mexico continue to swirl.

Underwater Worlds , Ancient Aliens
Plot: The infamous tale of the long lost city of Atlantis; ruins of recently discovered temples beneath Lake Titicaca in Peru; ancient Indian texts, known as Sangams, describe sunken cities where aliens and humans intermingled thousands of years ago.

Gods & Aliens, Ancient Aliens
Plot: Myths and legends have long been regarded as fantastic stories that describe powerful gods, mutant giants and fearsome monsters. But why do so many different cultures, separated by vast distances, tell the same stories? Is it possible that myths and legends were really eyewitness accounts of ancient astronauts descending to Earth? Ancient texts are filled with stories of gods interacting with humans, offering wisdom, technology, and even impregnating women.

Mysterious Places, Ancient Aliens
Plot: Mysterious places can be found around the Earth, and, inexplicably, UFOs are often sited near these mystical areas. Planes and ships unaccountably disappear in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Strange magnetic anomalies in Mexico's Zone of Silence have not only drawn missiles off their course, but seem to pull meteorites out of the sky. An ancient doorway carved into a sheer rock wall in Peru's Puerta de Hayu Marka is said to be a portal to other worlds.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Scientists want to probe pyramid

Scientists want to probe pyramid

Architect thinks pyramid holds hidden rooms.'s Al Stirrett reports.

French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin says his years-long study of the Great Pyramid of Giza suggests that it was built inside-out, and that two unexplored chambers are hidden at the heart of the ancient structure. So far, Egyptian authorities haven't taken his ideas all that seriously, but there's a chance they'll actually be put to the test this year.
Researchers from Laval University in Quebec say they want to probe the pyramid's insides for a whole year using infrared thermography, a technology that they say would let them "see" through thick stone walls without disturbing the 4,500-year-old monument.
"It's a non-invasive technique," Xavier Maldague, an engineering professor who specializes in infrared thermography, told Postmedia News. "We won't even touch the surface of the pyramid."

Archaeologists have long puzzled over how the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid, which served as a monument to the Pharaoh Khufu (2589-2566 B.C.). Houdin proposes that the builders had stones brought up external ramps at first, but then constructed a corkscrew system of internal ramps to finish the 450-foot-high structure.
During a news conference in Paris today, Houdin said 3-D simulations point to the existence of two secret chambers at the pyramid's heart. He said similar chambers have been found in the pyramid of Snefru, Khufu's father, and that the hidden rooms in Khufu's pyramid might have held furniture meant for the pharaoh's use in the afterlife.
"I am convinced that there are antechambers in this pyramid," AFP quoted Houdin as saying. "What I want is to find them."
Houdin's past proposals for a pyramid probe have been rebuffed, but he was hopeful that the Laval expedition would turn up evidence to back up his claims.
Maldague said infrared imaging could reveal the outlines of the internal ramp. Thermal imaging devices could trace how different structures and materials within the pyramid radiate heat differently, he said. If there is an internal construction ramp, the thermal patterns would indicate anomalies. "By measuring the differences in temperatures on several parts of the pyramid, it will tell us where the ramp is," Maldague told Postmedia News.
Infrared cameras could be set up in a hotel located about 1,000 feet (300 meters) from the pyramid, and the imagery could be beamed back to Laval over the Internet, Maldague said. He hopes to get authorization from Egyptian authorities by the end of this year, and start his measurements by mid-2012.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Puma Punku and the Ancient Alien Theory

Puma Punku and the Ancient Alien Theory



January 26, 2011

There are mysterious structures in many parts of the world that have caused mankind to wonder if aliens interacted with or guided human beings. One such place is Puma Punku. How did the ancients produce such work? Amazing precision and a deep understanding of mathematics are obvious but what about the tools that were used? How could they have had the technology and knowledge to manipulate stone like this?

Puma Punku - Located in the Bolivian highlands, Puma Punku is a field of stone ruins scattered with enormous, finely carved blocks. Such precise workmanship on a massive scale would have been nearly impossible without modern tools and machines, yet the ruins are more than 1,000 years old. Ancient alien theorists have hypothesized that extraterrestrials with advanced engineering techniques created the site or advised the people who built it.  The Stones of Pumu Punku are made up of granite and diorite, and the only stone harder is diamond.  Not only were these stones really hard to cut, but they were also extremely heavy.  One of these stones weighs 800 tons!

Who Were The Anunnaki?

Who Were The Anunnaki?

Pictures added by


January 26, 2011

The Evidence Of Ancient Aliens
By Jason Martell
Jun 19, 2010

Current UFO and alien reports are very similar to ancient descriptions of the "anunnaki" Android beings that are often regarded to as "ancient aliens." When we study descriptions of what we call "grey aliens" we can deduce that they do not look like us at all or the Anunnaki for that matter. Although, the reports they give of the Anunnaki "helpers" are very similar to reports of our modern day "greys."

When we analyze the descriptions of Aliens from people who claim to have been abducted, most of the aliens are described as being small grey beings that have large eyes, a bulbous head, and act almost "Android" like. Through the great works of scholars such as Zecharia Sitchin and Lloyd Pye, we have learned that the Anunnaki are said to have created Humans from the primitive man already here, and combined their genes with the primitive Neanderthal to create us.

(In their image and after their likeness - just like the bible)

Most of the abduction cases usually have a similar story to them saying that the aliens do medical exams and even experiments having to do with our reproduction system. Today, we cannot be sure if that was also happening in Ancient Sumerian culture, which dates back to 6,000 B.C, making it the oldest culture on Earth. However, we can deduce that they interacted with beings more advanced than them by studying the evidence they left behind.

To this day, we still use the same calendar, time and mathematical system they used back then. From the evidence left over from them, we can see many similarities to what they had and what we have in our modern day age. They describe a planet X as being very far away (roughly 30,000,000,000) miles from Earth at its farthest point in orbit, which is the planet they say their gods or rather the Anunnaki were from.

Even with today's technology, that would make it very complicated to travel from Earth to Planet X because of such a vast distance. We don't know how, but one way or another their "gods" supposedly did this. We believe that it is likely the vast and advanced knowledge Ancient Sumer had was given to them by these advanced beings. The Sumerian people had a lot of knowledge about the solar system and their "gods" who from heaven came to Earth. Sumerians also report a being that they described in our terms as "android beings."

The Sumerians tell us that the Anunnaki had "helpers" that often performed such tasks as flying their craft , or helping with miscellaneous needs. The Sumerians directly explain that these "Helpers" we not alive, but acted as so... Not only did they make figurines of the visitors, they also wrote down in Cuneiform text (on stone) what took place during the encounters with these "Android Beings". Again, these helpers were much like the grey aliens being reported today.

There are tons of stories out there where Emissaries of God helped out. Do you think it is possible that the "greys" were created by these anunnaki as watchers to look after their experiments on our planet? If these android beings are the Gods spoken about in the ancient texts and even our bible, then do you think it is possible that they could have also created an "android race" apart from the human being?

If you believe the theory that the anunnaki exist on Nibiru (planet x) and they created humans using genetic engineering, years ago, then it makes sense that they would be interested in us. We may be one of their largest experiments. What if they also experimented with races outside of planet Earth? If the anunnaki exist, then it is possible there are many other races on alien planets too. That would be logic. Perhaps the anunnaki also used a mix between the known "zetaz" or "greys" and created a race to serve them.
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Ancient Alien Theory and Gobekli Tepe

Ancient Alien Theory and Gobekli Tepe


January 26, 2010

The “Ancient Alien Theory” shows that aliens and extraterrestrials interacted and iflucnced ancien mankind, ultimately changing early mankind's civilizations. These ancient aliens taught humanity about medicine, mathematics, science, astronomy and there is ancient alien proof. The evidence out there that aliens did in fact visit and interact with human beings is astounding . The mysteries unearthed at Gobekli Tepe may have been planned and constructed with the help of ancient aliens or some undiscovered technology used by mankind in our distant past.

Göbekli Tepe is located in southeastern Turkey. It had already been noted in an American survey in 1964, which recognized that the hill could not entirely be a natural feature, but assumed that a Byzantine cemetery lay beneath. Since 1994 excavations have been conducted by the German Archaeological Institute (Istanbul branch) and Şanlıurfa Museum, under the direction of the German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt (1995–2000: University of Heidelberg; since 2001: German Archaelogical Institute). Schmidt says that the stone fragments on the surface made him aware immediately that the site was prehistoric. Before then, the hill had been under agricultural cultivation; generations of local inhabitants had frequently moved rocks and placed them in clearance piles; much archaeological evidence may have been destroyed in the process. Scholars from the Hochschule Karlsruhe began documenting the architectural remains. They soon discovered T-shaped pillars, some of which had apparently undergone attempts at smashing.

Göbekli Tepe is the oldest human-made place of worship yet discovered and it points to "Ancient Alien Theory". Until excavations began, a complex on this scale was not thought possible for a community so ancient. The massive sequence of statification layers suggests several millennia of activity, perhaps reaching back to the Mosolithic. The oldest occupation layer (stratum III) contains monolithic pillars linked by coarsely built walls to form circular or oval structures. So far, four such buildings, with diameters between 10 and 30m have been uncovered.  Geophysical surveys indicate the existence of 16 additional structures.
Stratum II, dated to Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) (7500–6000 BC), has revealed several adjacent rectangular rooms with floors of polished lime, reminiscent of Roman terrazzo floors. The most recent layer consists of sediment deposited as the result of agricultural activity.
The monoliths are decorated with carved reliefs of animals and of abstract pictograms. The pictograms may represent commonly understood sacred symbols, as known from Neolithic cave paintings elsewhere. The carefully carved figurative reliefs depict lions, bulls, boars, foxes, gazelles, asses, snakes and other reptiles, insects, arachnids, and birds, particularly vultures and water fowl. At the time the shrine was constructed the surrounding country was much lusher and capable of sustaining this variety of wildlife, before millennia of settlement and cultivation resulted in the near–Dust Bowl conditions prevailing today.

As with other ancient structures such as Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, there is the question of how the building could have possibly been done with what was available at the time. One theory has been that humans didn’t build these monuments, but rather a race of ancient aliens that had marked certain areas of the Earth for habitation. The late Zechariah Sitchen believed he had translated the Sumerian texts to reveal that humans were created by the Anunnaki or “those who came from the heavens” If the translations are correct, the Sumerians believed the Annunaki came to Earth to mine its resources. They created human beings for the purpose of doing the work and the building. Could this structure have been orchestrated by these beings, using humans as slave labor?

Ancient Alien Theory ~ Alien Influence of Mankind?

Ancient Alien Theory ~ Alien Influence of Mankind?


How did we get here?

Is there proof of Ancient Alien Theory?

The question: where did we come from and are we alone, has remained a mystery for mankind for ages.  Religions, Cultures, and Life in general has been decided by this question. One of the oldest theories, new to most, is the “ancient astronaut” scenario also known as Ancient Alien Theory.  The Ancient Alien Theory is the belief that Aliens may have influenced our ancient past.  These Aliens were regarded as "Gods" and used their technology to manipulate and help man kind.  If this were true... wouldn't there be evidence?  Lets look at some examples.

The Sumerians and the Anunnaki

The Sumerians are one of the oldest known civilations.  The Sumerians believed they were created by the Anunnaki, whom needed to mine the earth and came from another planet.  "Ancient Alien Theorists" point to such things as ancient artifacts that appear out of place or time, as well as the many structures throughout the world that have no apparent explanation as to their use and little evidence remaining of how they were built. The abundant historical gaps that archeology has not been able to provide data for, leaving some to speculate that the gaps are due to extraterrestrial technology that was taken with them when these beings left the planet. What is even more interesting than what hasn’t been found is what has… structures and artifacts from thousands of years ago that indicate at the very least a belief in life outside Earth.

Gobekli Tepe

One ancient site, sparking interest among "Ancient Alien Theorists" is Gobekli Tepe in Southeastern Turkey.  Carbon dating has attempted to debunk many of the ancient megaliths as being built more recently than once believed. However, with Gobekli Tepe, carbon dating actually backs up the theory that the structure is more than ten thousand years old. In nearby Mesopotamia (Sumer), the Sumerians had legends of people from the sky known as the Anunnaki, according to the late Zechariah Sitchin. If his translations were correct (and it is important to note that most of the scientific community disagrees with his findings), the Anunnaki created human beings to mine the resources of the planet. Could this structure, built before the dawn of the Sumerian civilization, be a part of that beginning?

Puma Punku

Another site that proponents of the ancient alien theory believe points to evidence of extraterrestrials is Puma Punku in the Bolivian Andes mountains. What is noteworthy about Puma Punku is the precision in which the structure is made. The links are completely perfect and designed in stone that is one of the hardest of the earth, diorite. What was used to cut these stones so precisely and more important… where are the construction materials?   A site similar, to Puma Punku, also with huge stones and evidence supporting Ancient Alien Theory is Mycenae Greece.  According to legend, Mycenae was built by Perseus, a cyclops.

Nazca Lines

There are many of these structures and stories throughout the world that seem to indicate there has at least been the thought of life on other planets for thousands of years. Structures such as Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, along with the mysterious Nazca lines in Peru are filled with questions and yield very little answers as to how they were built, or even for what purpose. All of this brings back the original question… how did we get here? The answer, if not in the stars, may be connected to them somehow.  We must open our minds to "What is possible?"


Why was it built?  For what purpose?  .... still a mystery to mankind.
Although the Sarsens in Stonehenge clearly come from nearby Marlborough Downs, there are conflicting explanations about how Stonehenge’s builders managed to transport the bluestones, which geologists believe originated in the Preseli Hills of Wales, to Salisbury Plain in England, where the monument was erected; some argue that they used brute muscle power to load the stones into boats and drag them overland, while another recent theory holds that an Ice Age glacier actually did the work of moving them.
Believers in Ancient Alien Theory, however, offer a third possibility—that extraterrestrials with advanced technology may have done the dirty work for humans. Controversial Swiss author Erich von Däniken, author of the 1968 bestseller Chariots of the Gods and other books, has promoted the idea that alien astronauts who visited Earth in ancient times had a role in the creation of Stonehenge and other giant structures that otherwise would have been beyond the ability of humans.

Another hypothesis advanced by Ancient Alien Theorists is that Stonehenge’s human builders replicated the shape of an alien spacecraft to pay homage to extraterrestrial visitors, in the fashion of the cargo cult that sprang up the island of Tanna in the South Pacific, where indigenous people worshipped World War II American aviators who had brought them supplies.

Accepting Ancient Alien Shock - Ancient Alien Theory Released

Accepting Ancient Alien Shock - Ancient Alien Theory Released

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christopher Columbus UFO Sighting in 1492 - Aliens Were Here

Christopher Columbus jotted down an entry in his journal, in 1492, of a UFO Sighting.

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It seems Christopher Columbus, witnessed a UFO on his route to America.
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Monday, January 24, 2011

Are We Alone? In The Universe, by Zecharia Sitchin

Are We Alone? by Zecharia Sitchin
courtesy of  UFOTV

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EARTH MYSTERY: Modern technology in ancient times?

EARTH MYSTERY: Modern technology in ancient times???

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Ancient Aliens T-Shirt and Merchandise : 

Ancient Advanced Technologies - Technologies of The Gods

Ancient Advanced Technologies - Technologies of The Gods

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The Anunnaki Taught The Sumerians - Be Prepared for 2012

Be Prepared For 2012 - The Anunnaki Taught The Sumerians

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The Sumerians believed the Anunnaki created them for the purpose of mining earth.  Is this possible?

Ancient Aliens T-Shirt and Merchandise : 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

UFOs, Aliens & Space Headlines 2010- 2011: Watch Video

UFOs, Aliens and Space Headlines 2010- 2011

The search for Alien Life is on.  The findings in 2010 are astonishing and we are entering our Golden Age of Space Exploration.  Watch this short video on some of the findings.  Open your mind to the possibilities.  Aliens Were Here.

Check out more on Ancient Alien Theory at

Ancient Aliens T-Shirt and Merchandise : 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Top 10 Lost Civilizations

Watch Video of Top 10 Lost Civilizations

Amazing information, check out more on Ancient Alien Theory at

Ancient Aliens T-Shirt and Merchandise : 

Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt

Watch Video on Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt

The Technology used to make the Pyramids is Astonoshing.  Check out more on Ancient Alien Theory at

Ancient Aliens T-Shirt and Merchandise : 

10 Lost Technologies - Watch Video

10 Lost Technologies
Incredible artifacts from lost worlds.

Visit for more on Ancient Alien Theory.

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Ancient Aliens, Season 3, History

Ancient Aliens, Season 3

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 1
 "Aliens and the Old West"
First Aired = July 28, 2011 on History Channel

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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 2
 "Aliens and the Monsters"
First Aired = August 4, 2011 on History Channel

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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 3
 "Aliens and Sacred Places"
First Aired = August 11, 2011 on History Channel

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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 4
 "Aliens and Temples of Gold"
First Aired = August 18, 2011 on History Channel

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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 5
 "Aliens and Mysterious Rituals"
First Aired = August 25, 2011 on History Channel
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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 6
 "Aliens and Ancient Engineers"
First Aired = September 1, 2011 on History Channel
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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 7
 "Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics"
First Aired = September 8, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 8
 "Aliens and Lost Worlds"
First Aired = September 15, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 9
 "Aliens and Deadly Weapons"
First Aired = September 22, 2011 on History Channel

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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 10
 "Aliens and Evil Places"
First Aired = September 29, 2011 on History Channel

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Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 11
 "Aliens and the Founding Fathers"
First Aired = October 5, 2011 on History Channel

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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 12
 "Aliens and Deadly Cults"
First Aired = October 12, 2011 on History Channel

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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Watch Ancient Aliens - Season 3 Episode 13
 "Aliens and the Secret Code"
First Aired = October 19, 2011 on History Channel

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Ancient Aliens Blog.

Notes before first Airing:
January 21, 2011

Giogio A. Tsoukalos (Ancient Aliens Star) sent this from his facebook page:

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos The History Channel ordered SIXTEEN episodes for SEASON 3 of Ancient Aliens! Air date? Late spring of 2011! How does any of this involve YOU? Easy! What Ancient Astronaut topics do YOU think we should cover in Season 3? Are there any topics YOU wish we should explore further? Or are there topics that we haven’t covered...

There’s already been two seasons and it was just announced that “The History Channel ordered SIXTEEN episodes for SEASON 3 of Ancient Aliens!” So it’s going pretty good.

For any ancient alien theory beginners, this youtube video is about 1 hour and 57 minutes, with Tsoukalos, the producer of the show, talking about some evidences of the theory that surely will get you interested. So, go on and…believe.


Aliens Were Here Community Pages  - Join the Ancient Alien Theory Movement.

Update:  March 10, 2011

On March 10, 2011  Phillip Coppens wrote this post from his Facebook Page.

Philip Coppens

Today at 9.30 am marks the beginning of filming for Ancient Aliens: Season 3. I'm facing 100+ questions for five episodes. The good crew is coming to our home to film...

Ancient Aliens, the Series, Season 3 is in production!

**Update** On July 15, 2011 - Giorgio A. Tsoukalos wrote this from his Facebook Page:

  • Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
    The wait is over! SEASON 3 of ANCIENT ALIENS is set to premiere on Thursday, July 28, 2011 on the History Channel!